Welcome to Shady Branch Farm!


“Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.”-Unknown

I love making memories! My favorite conversations start with “Remember when…” or “Remember that time…..” Sometimes it is simple, like the afternoon we played hopscotch or waded in the creek.  Sometimes it’s bigger, like swimming in caves in Mexico or climbing the Great Wall of China.  Sometimes a memory is a tradition, like eggs and bacon on Saturday mornings or reading the story of Jesus’ birth on Christmas.  Either way, these are often the things that stick in our minds.  We, as a family, also enjoy reliving the memories.  We discuss the things we remember from family outings or trips or from an afternoon at home.  We look at pictures and dig out the souvenirs.

I am in the business of ensuring others have a story to tell. As a mom, family member, and friend, I enjoy being intentional about providing opportunities to make memories in my home.  As a travel agent, I play a part in helping others have stories to tell.  As a blogger, I get to share all of that with you!  I am excited to share how we incorporate memory-making and storytelling in our family.  I am also thrilled to provide for you some ideas of how you can build memories in your own life.  Every week I will be bringing to you posts on being a mommy and a wife, farm life, adoption, book reviews, traveling, being a tourist and more.  I want to welcome you in to my life, as messy and chaotic as it can be, and hopefully inspire and encourage you in yours.  Welcme home to Shady Branch Farm!

I would love to hear from you!

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