Trip is Planned…..What Next?

We are getting ready to take a trip to a beach community we have never been to before. We had some specific criteria in mind when we planned our trip.  We didn’t want it to be freezing (it’s a Fall Break trip) and it needed to have good fishing.  We also wanted a reasonable driving distance because we are just going for a few days.  Based on some recommendations and research we picked Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina.  We found a little house right on a canal which is perfect for fishing, crabbing and kayaking, things we all love to do, and it’s within walking distance to the beach, pier and several places to eat.  Because it is a brand-new to us place to visit I have had to do some research!  I know we can’t do everything but I never want to feel like I went somewhere and missed out on something I didn’t know about!  Here are some ways that I research before going on vacation:

  1. First, I always google the place I’m traveling to! I’m a googler! I love it and do it all day long! I like to see what comes up first. Usually it’s some TripAdvisor reviews such as best restaurants or top 10 things to do. I like to check out the food first! I’ll read about the restaurant and if it sounds good I will check out its location on a map.
  2. Next, I will look at the top 10 things to do list and see if anything looks like something our family may be interested in or that might fit in our schedule. For example, in Mexico we wanted to go zip lining. Once that was decided on, I was able to read about various companies and what they offered and their reviews. I’m BIG on reviews. I want to know exactly what to expect service wise. I like to leave reviews too if something has been exceptionally good (or bad).
  3. Besides TripAdvisor and reviews, I also like to look up the city page or research if they have a community center. A lot of times you can find really fun free activities! When we traveled to Duck, NC a few summers ago, I was able to find out they offered free exercise classes outside the government building a few mornings a week. In season, Ocean Isle offers several activities including learning more about the sea turtles.
  4. Next, I will search for the location I am visiting on Facebook. Usually several different types of groups, pages, activities, or restaurants will pop up. I can like any of the pages that interest me and find out all kinds of fun things including weekly food specials or activities.
  5. The last thing I do is check the weather. I always want to make sure we are prepared with appropriate clothing. I like to be prepared. Weird fact about me…..I tend to pack as if I am going to an uninhabited island. Not like there are 27 stores with food and clothing within a 10 minute driving radius!

I hope this helps as your prepare for your Fall Break vacations or trips down the road! We are excited to get away and have some downtime together!  I’ll let you know how it goes!


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