June (and some July) 2018 Book Reviews!

**This post contains affiliate links.  Please know that I only share what I love!


I have a couple of reading goals for 2018.  One is to just simply read more!  I love to read, but haven’t been making it a priority.  Honestly, it always seems easier to pick up my phone and scroll, then pick up a book and read. I also tend to read fiction books much quicker than non-fiction.  This month I was able to read several books because most of them were fiction!  My other goal is that I would share what I read with you all by reviewing them!  My plan has been to review them at the end of each month, but obviously we are almost half-way through July and you all are just now getting my reviews!  We will blame it on the internet being out for over a week! It totally cramped my style!  It’s hard to have an on-line business with no on-line!!  But late is better than never, and here you have my book review for June and a little of July!

I read some excellent books this month and a half! The first one was “A Time to Stand” by Robert Whitlow.  If you are a John Grisham fan you will enjoy Robert Whitlow books.  They always focus on an investigation and courtroom drama.  This is a story about an officer involved shooting of a young African-American in a small southern town.  This story address racial tensions both inside and outside of the church, and it really made me look at the ways I view things in a different light.  It was a well written story with a compelling story line.  I got caught up in in quickly and had a hard time putting it down!

The next book I read was “Orphan Train” by Christina Baker Kline.  It was so good!  It’s based on a event in history that I didn’t even know existed.  Wikipedia states, “The Orphan Train Movement was a supervised welfare program that transported orphaned and homeless children from crowded Eastern cities of the United States to foster homes located largely in rural areas of the Midwest. The orphan trains operated between 1854 and 1929, relocating about 200,000 orphaned, abandoned, or homeless children.”  This story parallel’s the life of Vivian, a woman who was relocated on the Orphan Train with Molly who is currently in the foster care system.  It was such a moving story as the two character’s worlds collide and then begin to find belonging because of their past.

Next up was “If You Only Knew. My Unlikely, Unavoidable Story of Becoming Free.” by Jamie Ivey.  Jamie is the host of the The Happy Hour podcast which is a do not miss podcast for me.  She has an amazing testimony of a past full of bad choices and the amazing way that God has redeemed her and freed her.  She is very candid and honest in this book, but points back to Jesus and his grace and mercy on every page. It was a quick read and such an amazing reminder that in Christ we can find freedom from anything in our past.

The Masterpiece” by Francine Rivers was one of my favorite books this month.  I’m a sucker for fiction and love stories, so this sucked me right in.  It’s a little predictable but so good.  This is the story of two people with so much baggage and shame, finding the Lord and then finding each other.  Once again the theme of redemption and freedom from sin and shame are prominent throughout the book.  It’s a long book but I couldn’t put it down and got through it quickly!

The last book  I read was “The Read Aloud Family” by Sarah Mackenzie.  She is also the host of the Read Aloud Revival Podcast.  I had heard about this book and only picked it up at the library to flip through it.  I ended up reading every word and devoured it.  She has done extensive research on the benefits of reading aloud to our children, both readers and non-readers.  She provides great insight into how to make read aloud time fun, and even gives age appropriate suggestions for every child 0-18.  We already read a lot in our home, but this prompted me to read aloud even more!  TJ is totally OK with that!

Every book I read this past month was a great read and I HIGHLY recommend each one!  I have 3 non-fiction books that are up next in my pile beside the bed but I need a beach read or two!  Please let me know your favorite books to read at the beach!

I would love to hear from you!

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