Getting Your Family Excited About Vacation!

I honestly don’t think anyone has trouble getting excited about a vacation!  However, there are things that can be done to build the excitement for the weeks leading up to the trip and even during the car ride! Here are some of the ideas that we have used and loved on many trips!

  1.  A countdown!  We love the paper loop method!  We’ve had one going for vacation and will start a new one for TJ’s birthday when we return home.  He also loves marking off the days on a calendar.  That’s a great way to get your kids to practice counting! For older kids and adults,  there are fun apps that do a countdown and you can even add a picture of where you are headed!  I’ve used the app Countdown Star.
  2.  A vacation bucket list!  A few days before the trip, we discuss as a family everyone’s top 2 things they want to do on vacation.  For our upcoming vacation TJ wants to swim and play putt-putt and Adam wants to fish!  I want to do everything which always makes me stress a little.  I have a fear of missing something fun! This way we have a plan and we know if we hit everyone’s top 2 things, we have had a fun successful trip!
  3. Counting the souvenir money!  A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post on TJ’s chore chart and how he earns money.  He has some spend money that he can’t wait to spend at the beach!  He loves that he has his own money that he can spend on anything he wants! We have always made a big deal about a  getting a souvenir on trips.  It is fun to bring the memories home.
  4. Making a big deal about crossing state lines.  This may sound silly, but it’s something we do!  Several years ago, TJ and Ellie (his big sister), made up silly sounds to go along with crossing state lines on a road trip.  It’s become so funny because now, anytime those particular states are mentioned in conversation, someone has to make the corresponding noise.  TJ loves it on road trips!  He gets so excited to be in a new state!

These are 4 fun things we do to build momentum and excitement!  We have traveled alot and have done these things every single time! It’s so much fun and it helps the kids feel like they are a part of the planning!

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