Friday Favorites!



Do you know what I love most about Friday’s?  That it’s Friday!  I’m writing this on a Thursday night and we have had about 30 minutes of 6 year old melt-down going on over here, which then led to me over indulging in peanut butter and really wanting another cup of coffee.  We are tired and ready for FRIDAY!!!  I don’t know about other people but Kindergarten wears us out!!  Me and my little guy!  OK, but seriously, here are some other things I am LOVING this week!


Lipsense Lipstick!  So, I have been trying to go completely clean with all of my things for the last couple of years and in the last two weeks just totally fell off that wagon.  First it was my skincare, and now my lipstick.   I think I am having a mid-life crisis or maybe it’s just a trying to rediscover me, or something else, who knows but I’m beginning to embracing some balance in my life.  In this case that means lipstick that is not considered “clean.”  I am working to instill some new rhythms in my life and one of those is to put on make-up, including lipstick, every single day, and Lipsense is a lifesaver! I put it on once and then just reapply lip gloss all day and I never have to reapply color!  It’s pretty amazing! I’ve even worn it to the gym! I have a neutral and a bold and I LOVE them both! I’m not a seller of Lipsense but I can totally hook you up if you want some!

Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult.  I’m going to write a more in depth review of this book next week but I wanted to include it in my favorite things because I can’t stop thinking about it.  I don’t necessarily think about the specific characters but about the theme of racism and how our views of others are built and shaped.  It’s a great read and super thought provoking.

This quote by John Maxwell from the book The Power of Significance:  “Success is when I add value to myself, significance is when I add value to others.”  He encourages the reader, after this quote, to wake up every day thinking about ways and opportunities to add value to others.  We live in a success, all about me, society.  Can you imagine what would happen if we all intentionally worked at adding value to others??

Well, it’s Friday friends and you should CELEBRATE!! I hope you have some great plans with your favorite people this weekend!  I do and I can’t wait to share them next week!




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