Friday Favorites

It’s finally Friday!! Yay!  TJ and I came down with the stomach virus last Sunday afternoon and by the time we emerged from the yuck, it was already Tuesday!  He had it so bad that it has literally taken all week for his little stomach to feel back to normal! I hope your week has been better than that!  Here are some favorites from this past week:

  1. I am loving smoothies for lunch! I am a food lover. I would much rather eat my calories than drink them! However, I also follow a fairly limited diet due to some digestive issues, and cooking 3 meals a day from scratch was getting a little old. A lot of times I would do breakfast again for lunch and it was usually the same exact meal. I needed a change. So…. in came smoothies! My favorite so far has been frozen mixed berries, banana, half an advocado, water, ice and hydrolyzed collagen powder. Hydrolyzed collagen powder is a clean way I can get protein without the added sugars, gluten, dairy, whey, etc. in commercial protein powder. It’s so yummy and very filling! I was worried I would be starving an hour later but so far it’s been a great lunch option!
  2. Friday Night Lights!! Ya’ll we are so late to the party on this one! We are in Season 2 but because of life we have only gotten to watch like one episode a week for the last several weeks! I’m missing me some Tim Riggins!
  3. This quote by Meredith Toering: “We all have a story. We choose how it’s lived. Dare you to make yours great!” I think so often of people I know that feel stuck or like they don’t have a lot of say in the direction their life is going and that is such baloney! We were put on this earth to thrive. God gave us the ability to choose and write our story. We all have the ability to make our story great! If you are feeling stuck today, choose to start a new chapter in your story and change the plot, the setting and even the supporting characters if you need to!

I hope each of you has an amazing weekend full of fun Fall memories, corn mazes, football, apple cider and pumpkin everything!

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