**I have tagged a few items in my most that we use in our morning routines and love. I do a very small amount of money if you purchase through the links. Thank you for following along*
I LOVE a good morning routine! Routines, processes, rhythms, systems….they are all my jam, not just because I was wired that way, but because I know that when they work everyone is a little happier and a lot less crazy! We have a basic school year morning routine that has worked for us for the last 4 years. Our morning routine has proved successful during regular school years and during home school. It has also worked when TJ was much more needy and now that he is independent. Here is our routine that keeps us happy in the morning!

Steps to Building a Successful Morning Routine
- A successful morning starts with a good night before routine. Get as much done for the morning the night before. Set out clothes, set out breakfast, pack lunches, have backpacks, bags, purses ready to go, set alarm clocks, have coffee maker prepped, etc. If you can do it ahead of time, please do! Believe me! It’s a total time saver!
- Next, determine first what your children NEED to do to be ready to move on to school. This should be an easy, short list. I know there are a million things you would love for them to do before school, but keep it simple.
- Determine what motivates your child. Finding something that motivates your child to move through their list will help greatly with a successful morning routine.
- Once you determine what your children need to do, fill in the rest of the morning with what you need to do and where you need to help your children. It has been helpful as my mornings often hold something different. Working from home as a travel agent, doesn’t require a lot of getting ready. However, sometimes I have a meeting or an appointment and need to be read to leave. I can easily plan what I need to get done around the consistent morning routine I have set for TJ.
What Our Morning Routine Looks Like
The first thing that happens is that TJ wakes up on his own to an alarm clock. We use a fun Star Wars themed clock now but before TJ could tell time, he had a clock that turned colors when he was allowed out of bed. Next, TJ has six steps to his morning routine. They include get dressed, eat breakfast, make bed, brush teeth, brush hair, and put on his shoes. This basic list makes him 100% ready to go to school (or start school when we home schooled). We have determined that he is very motivated by screen time. He knows that the faster he gets his list done, the more time on screens he can get. Through this time, I know where he needs help and when I am free to work on my list of things I need to do. Therefore I build my schedule around his.
Recommendations to Ensure a GREAT Morning
I 100% recommend getting up at least a few minutes before your children. It’s so nice to wake up as yourself and gather yourself, before you become Momma for the day. I also find that spending time with Jesus, first thing, is the best way to set the stage for the day. This time doesn’t have to be long or daunting, but it is totally needed. And once again, ALWAYS get as much done as possible the night before!
Once you are up turn on a little quiet music, add some yummy oils to the diffuser and get ready to welcome in the day, knowing that the morning at least is going to run like clockwork!
Here is another post on developing school year rhythms if you are in planning mode like I am right now!
I would love to know…..are you a morning person or a night owl?? How is our current morning routine? What works for your family? Leave a comment or DM over on Instagram! I love getting to know you all over there!!