Hello and Welcome from the foothills of the Smoky Mountains! I’m Heather, wife to one amazing man, step-daughter to two smart, witty and highly opinionated step-daugters, adoptive mom to one hilarious son, and Gammie to three little bundles of fun!
We live on about 25 acres in a tiny East TN town and are slowly learning how to do farm things! We have chickens and a small garden and love to dream about what our land could become.
I’m a big fan of simple and systems and plans and I love making memories with my family! We are big on adventures, whether that is something in our own backyard, local to our area or out exploring the world. I have a hippy heart, love natural health, goals and food!
My heart behind this space:
My heart is to support Momma’s, to make life a little easier. I thrive on process, structure, routines and rhythms and I found that my family and my home flourish when these are in place. I love sharing what has worked for us!
My heart is to encourage Momma’s to know that they are capable and strong, that they are made in God’s image and therefore are beautiful, unique, gifted, chosen and loved.
My heart is for Mom’s to become empowered to easily and simply take control of their health and the health of their family.
My heart is to provide tons of ways to adventure and make memories with your family in the simplist way possible, both local to East TN and sometimes further away! Sometimes that even means to use a travel agent!
Some great ways to never miss anything from this corner of the world are to find me on Instagram or sign up for the Newsletter! Please shoot me a message and say hello!!