5 Things I Won’t Forget on the Next Camping Trip

I wrote yesterday about our camping trip over the weekend. I honestly thought when I suggested it to my husband, we would do our first camp out in the backyard.  You know, sort of a trial run.  But since we didn’t, I forgot some things on our trip.  I also learned about some necessities that I don’t want you to forget if our camping trip has inspired you!!

  1.  A tablecloth-Our campsite came with a picnic table, which was great!  However, it was covered with pollen and dirt.  A tablecloth that can either be easily wiped down or shaken off would be great to have!!
  2. Card or Board Games-This particular campsite was part of a “resort” so it had all of the amenities to keep us busy.  However, there came a point that we just wanted to relax and sit by the fire.  Since 2 of the 3 of us are not good sitters (not me, I can ALWAYS sit!), we needed something we could do either by the fire or at the near-by picnic table.  Plus, TJ could play card games ALL.DAY.LONG.
  3. A Hammock-This was a GREAT thing to have!  We all enjoyed it!  Adam and I were more lazy and TJ used it as a glorified swing.  You want one with straps and that is easy to hang between 2 trees!  Here is a great one on sale!
  4. Bedding-Or to be more clear….enough bedding and bedding that fits the size air mattress you brought.  We brought a queen size air mattress and a toddler size air mattress.  I packed twin size sheets and one blanket.  That is sheets for the small air mattress and a blanket for the big one.  Obviously, we were a little short.
  5. Bug Spray- This was SO key to a successful trip!  The biting gnats were thick during the evening!  It’s just the season in the Smokies for gnats.  However, I used bug spray I make out of essential oils and witch hazel and none of us got bit!  It doesn’t make bugs magically disappear but what bug spray does? It did keep us bite free and it was chemical free! That makes for a happy mommy!


I hope this helps you pack if you think a camping trip might be in your future!

**If you are interested in learning more about the bug spray or how to start becoming more chemical free I would love for you to join my Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/shadybranchessentialoils/ .

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